Saturday, March 19, 2016

Coconut aminos

Coconut aminos is a delicious sauce made from coconut sap. It is dark, rich, salty and slightly sweet in flavor. It resembles a light soy sauce or tamari (wheat free soy sauce), but it is soy free and gluten free – making it the perfect replacement for those avoiding soy and gluten. To make coconut aminos, the sap is collected from the coconut blossoms, then blended with sea salt and naturally aged.

Coconut aminos, which is soy free, and has a GI of only 35, is also packed with a variety of minerals, vitamin C, and B vitamins.

As the name suggest, coconut animos have 17 naturally occurring amino acids.
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and are essential to our health and nutrition. Amino acids play a vital role in muscle repair, brain and nervous system function. They also assist in boosting the immune system and physical energy levels. Coconut aminos have been found to contain 14 times the amount of amino acids found in soy sauce.

Use coconut aminos as you would on soy sauce or tamari. 

Here are some of the popular uses for coconut aminos: 
  • Make Paleo Sushi using nori wraps, cauliflower rice and fish, and serve with coconut aminos as a dipping sauce
  • Use for making beef jerky.
  • Add to Paleo chilli for a deep flavour.
  • In fact, try it in any tomato based dishes to cut the acidity of the tomatoes, make the dish a darker colour and replace the need to add salt.
  • Marinate chicken in it before adding to a stir fry.
  • Use in fermented foods like Kimchi
  • Perfect for Asian inspired dishes like Nasi Goreng
  • Alternative to salt in soups and stews. 
  • Add to the baking tray when roasting a chicken to brown the skin when basting the bird.
  • Mix coconut aminos, balsamic vinegar, mustard, oive oil and a squeeze of lemon to make a delicious salad dressing
  • Slice and de-stone and avocado, pierce with a fork, then pour on balsamic vinegar and allow to soak in. Then fill the hole up with coconut aminos and eat with a spoon.

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