Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Healthy Benefits of Red Rice

Healthy Benefits of Red Rice

This russet-colored whole grain has a nutty flavor and soft texture, and goes well with most meats and vegetables or served as a pilaf or salad. Like brown rice, red rice is a good source of fiber. It can also help you meet your iron needs. Red rice makes a healthy addition to your diet.

Red rice is a kind of unpolished rice which has higher nutritional value compared to white rice or even polished rice. Cooking time is generally more than white rice and it has a nutty taste and more gratifying flavor. It is fiber rich content, Vitamin B1 & B2, iron and calcium. Because of higher nutritive content as well as health advantages of red rice, it is strongly advised for heart patients as well as diabetics. Additionally it is loved by health gurus as well as fitness fanatics since it’s high fiber content helps gain less weight. By consuming red rice, you can get the following nutrition and can even improve blood sugar levels. It’s the reason that eating red/brown rice provide better health benefits when compared to white rice. Explanation of the benefits of red/brown rice can be described in the following session.

Rich in fiber 

red/brown rice, red/brown rice or black rice has a high fiber content. As with the white rice contains only simple carbohydrates, red/brown rice contains complex carbohydrates that are good for health.

Controlling blood sugar levels 
red/brown rice has a low glycemic index. The glycemic index is a number that indicates the potential for increased blood sugar that comes from carbohydrates. With a low glycemic index, red/brown rice has a part in regulating blood sugar levels and insulin production. In addition, red/brown rice is a good source of energy that the body needs.

Making you feel full faster 
A study conducted in the British Journal of Nutrition found that eating complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, red/brown rice and potatoes, will make you full faster for hours and eat no more than 320 calories per day.

Contains antioxidants to counteract free radicals 

red/brown rice is a good source of iron or manganese. Mangan, who was instrumental in producing energy for the body is an essential component of the enzyme and is an antioxidant that can protect the body from free radicals that are formed when the energy produced. 

In addition, red/brown rice is rich in zinc, a mineral that helps accelerate wound healing and maintain the body’s immune system to function properly. Just as iron or manganese, zinc is also rich in antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals that can damage cells and tissues in the body.

Containing Vitamin B6 
By eating just one serving of red/brown rice, can meet 23 percent of vitamin B6, the amount needed for the functioning of the organ. This vitamin is needed to help balance the formation of serotonin, red blood cells and helps the production of DNA cells.

Lowering bad cholesterol levels 
red/brown rice is known to help lower bad cholesterol. By eating red/brown rice, it will help increase the level of good cholesterol. Therefore red rice can be a staple food and a good source of carbohydrates for health.

Good for bone health
Red rice is a superb source of magnesium, that is ideal for your bone health. Magnesium is a crucial nutrient needed to build healthy bones and magnesium deficiency can result in osteoporosis and low bone density later in life. It has been verified that regular consumption of red rice will help avoid and relieve joint problems.

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