Friday, February 12, 2016

Nut Nutrition Comparison Charts

You may know how to measure the perfect one-ounce portion of almonds, but do you know how they measure up against other tree nuts? Crunchy and packed with fiber and protein, nuts are one of the healthiest foods you can snack on. They're also full of healthy fats your body needs and are nonperishable so you can keep a stash in your gym bag or purse when hunger strikes. As wonderful as they are, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, which is calories in nuts. 

One ounce of nuts (about a handful) is the perfect serving size, but if you start mindlessly munching, then you could be consuming way more calories than you think. Here's a nutritional chart of many nuts for you to compare. 

Serving size = 1 oz.CaloriesTotal Fat (g)Sat. Fat (g)Sodium (mg)
Fiber (g)Protein (g)Calcium (mg)
Almonds, raw (23 kernels)16414.31.103.4670.4
Almonds, dry-roasted, salted (22 kernels)170151.1963.46.375.5
Brazil nuts, dried (6 kernels)18618.84.312.14.145.4
Cashews, raw (18 kernels)15712.
Cashews, oil-roasted, salted (18 kernels)16513.52.4870.94.812.2
Hazelnuts, dry-roasted (18 kernels)18317.71.302.74.334.9
Peanuts and other related nuts:
Serving size = 1 oz.CaloriesTotal Fat (g)Sat. Fat (g)Sodium (mg)
Fiber (g)Protein (g)Calcium (mg)
Macadamias, raw (12 kernels)20421.53.412.42.224.1
Macadamias, dry-roasted, salted (12 kernels)20321.63.4752.32.219.8
Peanut, raw (31 kernels)161141.952.47.326.1
Peanut, oil-roasted, salted (31 kernels)16714.62.4892.67.817
Pecan halves (19 halves)19620.41.802.72.619.8
Pine nuts, dried (167 kernels)19119.41.4113.94.5
Pistachios, raw (49 kernels)15812.61.502.95.830.3
Pistachios, dry-roasted, salted (49 kernels)161131.61152.96.131.2
Walnuts (14 halves)18518.51.711.94.327.8

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