Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Benefits of Goji Berries or Wolf Berries

Antioxidants for eyes and skin
Studies have cited the high level of antioxidants in goji berries, especially zeaxanthin. It’s the zeaxanthin that gives goji berries, saffron, and bell peppers their bright color.

Antioxidants protect cells against breaking down when they are exposed to elements such as smoke and radiation. What’s more, foods with healthy levels of antioxidants are often high in fiber and low in unhealthy fats.

The same study also found that older adults who ate a daily dietary supplementation with goji berries for 90 days had less hypopigmentation and less drusen, or yellow deposits, in their eye.

Improved Feelings of Well-being
According to a study published in May 2008 in the “Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,” drinking juice derived from goji berries has a positive effect on overall well-being. Study participants drank goji berry juice daily for a period of 15 days, reporting perceived levels of energy, quality of sleep and feelings of happiness. After 15 days, both the goji berry group and the placebo group reported higher levels of happiness, but the goji berry group also reported improved energy levels, lower fatigue, lower stress and improved digestive function. While these measures are subjective, the findings are statistically significant.

Protection From UV Radiation
The juice derived from goji berries can reduce the amount of damage done by ultraviolet radiation. According to a study published in January 2010 in “Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences,” mice that consumed goji berry juice had a significantly reduced inflammatory sunburn response to prolonged simulated ultraviolet radiation. Researchers believe that some of the antioxidants found in goji berries are responsible for this protection, preventing the oxidative damage that would otherwise induce the inflammatory response.

Protection of Eye Health

According to a study published in February 2011 in “Optometry and Vision Science,” daily supplementation of goji berries over the course of 90 days significantly aids in the prevention of soft drusen accumulation in the eyes of elderly patients, an early warning sign of age-related macular degeneration. This exact mechanism behind this effect is currently unclear. Taurine, a compound found in goji berries, is also beneficial in slowing the development of eye conditions related to diabetes.

Revitalize Muscles
Goji berries have been used for thousands of years to promote both physical strength and healthy liver function.  While it may not seem like it at first glance, these two things actually go hand in hand.  A healthy-functioning liver is much more efficient at eliminating stored lactic acid from overused muscle tissues.  Also, by facilitating increased blood- and oxygen-flow throughout the body, Goji berries can actually help to prevent excessive lactic acid production in the first place.

Good Source of Macronutrients

A one-quarter-cup serving of dried wolfberries has 104 calories, with just one gram of fat. The majority of the calories come from carbohydrates, but they're also a decent source of protein. Wolfberries give you 4 grams of protein per serving, and have 18 different amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein that play basic but important roles in the body. They also contain 3 grams of fiber per serving, which promotes digestive health.

Full of Micronutrients

Wolfberries are a potent source of vitamin A -- just one-quarter-cup serving gives you 140 percent of your daily recommended intake of it. The same amount also gives you 20 percent of your daily vitamin C recommended intake. If you're iron deficient or at risk of iron deficiency, you would do well to incorporate wolfberries into your diet. Just one serving provides 10 percent of your daily iron requirement.

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